Sunday, June 22, 2008

Readers: Send In Your Photo

Okay, i think i will have time to get some one on one with you readers. So what i mean by this if you have a shot you want me to improve using Photoshop i can do so, if there is a photograph that you want to get MY critique on then send that in, or link it in the comment section. Now i will try to help out the most of you guys that i can possibly can and of course add a explantion to what i did to the photograph if i used photoshop for instance, or i will explain whats good or bad with your shot that you decided to send in.

Now before anything, critique can be very harsh at some time, and will all due respect i want you to take my advice or my critique with a pinch of salt, and there is nothing personal involved. I don't know all the guys/gals that read this blog personally!

I hope that this works, and lets get some things going.

Have a good Sunday!


Rob said...
Try this one Alex.

Alexander Blacker said...

Hey Rob, thanks for the image!

What do you want on it? Critique or PS?

Anonymous said...

Hi Alex,

I am just getting back into photography after 30 years. Please critic this photo if you have the time.

Do you want the photo information regarding focal length, ISO etc?

J Fidel

Rob said...

Critique esp on the color balance

Graham Pakiam said...

Hey nice idea! Will give you my own to critique some time soon.